Friday, December 08, 2006

A bit of info

Sorry there haven't been any updates for awhile; School has been eating much of my time lately.

There will be a competition parent meeting on Saturday, December 16th from 9:00-11:00 AM.

Dance Extreme is a drop-off site for donations to Canton shelters. They especially need products for teenage boys, but all donations will be accepted. is officially our new domain, but if you try to visit it right now, it just redirects you to this site (because the site is still under construction). When it's finished, I'll be sure to let you know. Again, I'm open to any suggestions on content for the site, just email me or leave a comment.

Also, I'm still requesting any dance-related pictures or videos you might like to share. :)

On a final note, here's a video of one of last year's more embarrassing memorable moments: