Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Updates and New Website!

Congratulations everyone who joined us at the Hall of Fame nationals in Chicago! You all did wonderfully. I know we had a great time, met some wonderful people, and saw some amazing dances. Extra congrats to Mari, Kelsey, and Amanda for making it into the Solo Showdown, and to the group of Freshmen for making it into the World Series!

Now that we're all back in the state, classes are resuming. Jumps and Turns classes are ongoing, so call the studio for details if you want to attend. An August schedule of classes for the Extreme Team and those hoping to join the team will soon be available. Registration is even starting already, with special coupons available to those who register early! You can call or e-mail the studio for more information.

Unexpected Big News! The new website is up and running! It's not quite finished yet, so you may notice that several of the links don't work, but it's getting there, so have hope. :) I'm still hoping that people would like to share more dance pictures with me, from dance events and competitions and especially Nationals! Please e-mail them to or see Kendall at the studio.

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